Crystal Watermelon Freeze


Flavour: Watermelon Freeze

Kapacita E-LIQUID: 2,0 ml
Kapacita baterie: 550MAH
Počet tahů: 600+

Crystal 600 disposable vapes are constructed with stainless steel and a food-grade PCTG material to present a stunning crystal design.

Katalogové číslo: crystal-watermelon-freeze Kategorie:


Velikost: 17x17x104 mm
Kapacita E-LIQUID: 2,0 ml
Kapacita baterie: 550MAH
Počet tahů: 600+
Cívka: 1,2Ω MESH CÍvka
Složení: rostlinný glycerin, propylen glykol, aroma, nikotin.
2 MG = 2 UG nikotinu na jedno potáhnutí, (2 %)/ML obsah nikotinu.

Nový uživatelé E-cigaret mohou cítit podráždění úst, suché hrdlo nebo kašel pokud se nadechnou z inhalátoru příliš mnoho nebo používají produkt velmi často. Můžete pocítit jeden nebo více z následujících efektů: pocit na odpadnutí, nevolnost, kašel, podráždění úst nebo hrdla, závratě, podráždění žaludku, škytavka, zvracení, bušení v hrudníku, neobvyklá srdeční činnost. Pokud některé z těchto nežádoucích účinků pocítíte, přestaňte produkt okamžitě používat, poraďte se s lékařem nebo zdravotním odborníkem a nahlaste podrobnosti o nežádoucích účincích.

Ujistěte se, že je kontejner zcela zavřený a ve vzpřímené poloze. Skladujte produkt při teplotě mezi 18-30 °C a mimo sluneční záření. Produkt neskladujte v chladničce, neohřívejte, nezmrazujte. Uchovávejte produkt mimo dosah dětí a zvířat.

Tento produkt se nedoporučuje používat mladým lidem (pod 18 let)a těhotný, nebo kojícím ženám nebo těm, kteří mají zdravotní potíže. Prosím přečtěte si tuto informaci předtím než začnete s používáním tohoto produktu.

Upozornění: Tento produkt obsahuje nikotin! Nikotin je návyková látka!

Další informace

Hmotnost 53 g

User’s Guide

Thank you for purchasing the VicVape disposable vape device. Designed for convenience, this device provides 600-800 puffs and requires no refilling, charging, or complicated settings. Just vape and dispose of responsibly when finished.

Below is your comprehensive guide to using your new VicVape device.


Step 1: Unpack Your VicVape Device

Carefully remove the VicVape device from its packaging. It comes fully charged and filled with e-liquid, ready for immediate use.


Step 2: Remove the Rubber Seal

At the end of your device, you’ll find a small rubber seal. This is in place to prevent the e-liquid from leaking during shipping. Simply pull this off and discard it.


Step 3: Draw Activation

The VicVape device is draw-activated, meaning it turns on automatically when you inhale from the mouthpiece. Simply take a slow, steady pull from the mouthpiece end of the device. This activates the device and produces vapor. You are ready to enjoy vaping!


Using Your VicVape

Your VicVape device is designed for vaping, similar to how you would smoke a traditional cigarette.

Please remember to take breaks between your puffs to avoid overheating the device. Excessive use in a short period can lead to a diminished flavour experience and may also shorten the life of the device.


Knowing When Your VicVape is Empty

The VicVape disposable device does not have a battery life indicator or e-liquid window. However, you’ll know it’s time to dispose of your device when the vapor production decreases significantly, or the flavor becomes weak or non-existent. Each device contains 600-800 puffs. When your device gets empty, the LED starts flashing at the end, indicating that the device has finished.


Disposing of Your VicVape

When your VicVape device is empty, dispose of it responsibly. Many regions have special recycling programs for electronic devices, which is the best place for your used VicVape. Do not dispose of it in your regular household trash.


Safety Precautions

– Do not attempt to recharge, refill, or disassemble your VicVape. It’s designed to be used as is and disposed of when empty.

– Keep your VicVape out of the reach of children and pets.

– If you’re pregnant, nursing, have a serious health condition, or are under the legal smoking age in your jurisdiction, do not use this product.

– Store your VicVape in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

– If your VicVape gets damaged or starts malfunctioning, stop using it immediately.

– If you are experiencing any allergic reactions or health issues after or while using the vape, stop using it immediately.


Enjoy your vaping experience with VicVape! Always vape responsibly and remember to dispose of your device in an environmentally friendly manner.


Enjoy VicVape vaping products responsibly!

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